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本主题被查看176009次, 共34个帖子
标题: 国外模具厂模具标准
UID: 91
精华: 0
积分: 81
帖子: 71
注册: 2007/4/12 16:37:00
状态: 离线
威望: 10.00
金钱: 13.40 元
2007/9/11 22:38:00
9.    All reference materials for the system including the manifold, cylinders, and connections must accompany the die upon  shipment.
10.  There will be a minimum of .250” additional travel available when the die is at the shut height.
11.  The cylinders must not be under pre-load condition in system.  汽缸并不需要预压。
12.  The contact pads must be made from prehardened 4140 (Maxel) with a .020” +/- .010” tolerance air gap.
        相接触的垫板必须由热处理过的4140制造,并与其有.020” +/- .010”的间隙。
13.  Provide drain slots for nitrogen cylinders.  为氮气汽缸提供排污槽。
U.  Positive knockouts:          正面拆卸。
1.  The top die shoe must be drilled for positive knockout if required.
V.  Pressure pins: 
1.  AISI 1045 air pins with flame hardened chamfered ends will be furnished by the supplier.
2.  Unless otherwise specified, the six inch J.I.C. pattern will be followed for the drilling of pressure pin holes in the shoe of all draw dies.
3.  The length of air pins will be determined as follows:
    a.  The length and diameter of the air pins below top surface of the bolster will be furnished by the Project Manager.
4.  The length of the air pins above the top surface of the bolster will be legibly stamped on the die shoe in the following manner:  Length of air pins above bolster “___________” (put in  dimension in inches).
5.  The pins will be stamped with the die number and total length of  the pin.
W.  Forming and drawing dies:  成型及拉伸模具
1.  Unless otherwise specified by the Project Manager, all draw dies will have nitrogen systems.
2.  All flange and form steels are to be made shimmable and heeled whenever possible.  In severe forms the sections should be coated per Su-dan specified coating.
3.  The base of all form punches or sections is to be at least one times the height.
4.  All cutting sections are to be separate from any form steel.  This is to eliminate the problem of regrinding forms when sharping and shimming steels.
5.  Back relieve form sections for over bend development.
6.  Draw beads will be inserted.  拉伸压条采用镶嵌形式。
7.  Vent holes will be provided to avoid “air locks” in the die. 在模具中应提供排气孔防止“空气锁”。
8.  Blank holding rings, pressure pads, etc. will be confined to prevent accidental removal, and guarded to prevent foreign objects from getting under them.
9.  Pads which bottom out, should not have spring pockets.          *底的垫板,不需要弹簧保护装置。
10. Pads that bottom out will have hardened plates.          *底的垫板应该热处理。
11. Form dies should coin on radius.        成型模具应该倒圆角。 
X.  Cam and slide type dies:          凸轮及滑块模具
1.Where appropriate, standard cams should be used most of the time.  Cam surface will be inserted with self lubricated wearplates/strips.  No oil grooves are acceptable unless approved by Tooling Engineer.  IEM is the preferred supplier to Su-dan.
2.Cams will be rigidly guided and supported throughout their entire operation cycle.
3. All cam slides to be adjustable in the press either by an insert on the cam slide or on the driver.
4.    Positive return cams as directed by Tool Engineer. 正面返回的凸轮应遵循模具工程师的意见。
5.    Provide positive stripping.              提供正面脱料。
6.    Return springs and rods must be adequately protected from  handling damage if they extend beyond the edge of the die  shoe. 如果驱动弹簧及锣秆伸出模座外应充分的保护避免搬运破坏。
7.    If practical, cam pierce stations should be designed to facilitate punch removal for in press maintenance.
8.    All Cam driven devices on transfer dies will be designed to operate without interfering with the transfer mechanics.
9.    Provide for lubrication of slides, cam surfaces, guides, etc.  IEM is the preferred supplier to Su-dan.
VI.  Stamping and Marking on Die Sets    在模座上压印及标记
A.  The following die information will be stamped on the front edge of lower shoe facing the press operator with a minimum .25” high letters.  If additional space is required use front face of upper shoe or deck surface of  lower shoe.

本主题被查看176009次, 共34个帖子

标题: 国外模具厂模具标准
可以在线看也可以下载到本地看,下载解压缩后可看到是**个word文档: [attach]207[/     (moqie 发表于 2007/9/11 22:34:00)
   III. Die Classifications 模具**别 A. All dies w     (moqie 发表于 2007/9/11 22:35:00)
   G.Die performance: 模具性能 1. All dies to be     (moqie 发表于 2007/9/11 22:35:00)
   15. Flattening and restrike sections are to be pro     (moqie 发表于 2007/9/11 22:36:00)
   I. Maintenance requirements: 维修要求: 1. Die sec     (moqie 发表于 2007/9/11 22:36:00)
   f. Welding on any portion of the draw rings must b     (moqie 发表于 2007/9/11 22:36:00)
   15. Clearance between punches and cutting sections     (moqie 发表于 2007/9/11 22:37:00)
   6.All strippers will be postively retained using d     (moqie 发表于 2007/9/11 22:37:00)
   9. All reference materials for the system inclu     (moqie 发表于 2007/9/11 22:38:00)
   以下信息应用至少.25”高字体压印在面对操作者的下模前方: 1. Die number.     (moqie 发表于 2007/9/11 22:38:00)
   也顶**下     (昆山圆刀 发表于 2007/9/12 9:38:00)
   :) :) :$     (模切好风景无限 发表于 2007/10/12 12:38:00)
   顶,楼主太强了     (Jethro 发表于 2007/12/25 22:19:00)
   :) :) :) :D :D :D     (膜切工程老兵 发表于 2007/12/26 22:06:00)
   五金模具标准!!!:'( 哪位大虾有**版的模切标准啊????????     (xiaospring021 发表于 2007/12/27 14:09:00)
   :) :) :)     (mutu 发表于 2008/1/2 19:58:00)
   太多了,没看明白:'(     (sxziyun 发表于 2008/1/4 17:10:00)
   感谢分享!但附件无法下载~~~~~     (laobendan 发表于 2008/1/9 11:46:00)
   太详细了,谢谢:D     (hrong7908 发表于 2008/2/2 10:06:00)
   :L :L :L :L :L :L     (Nicolas 发表于 2008/3/14 3:53:00)
   perfect document!!     (dalianair 发表于 2008/4/17 9:11:00)
   看不明白,不过还是要顶下楼竹     (zhangwenhua3083 发表于 2008/5/23 20:26:00)
   好多!看得头晕晕的!:)     (天之云 发表于 2008/6/25 14:30:00)
   hao zi liao     (song123456 发表于 2008/11/11 19:09:00)
   楼主,强阿,值得表表扬。     (jimlima 发表于 2009/9/22 22:44:00)
   先顶**下 再拿资料     (lgtqwww 发表于 2009/9/29 13:39:00)
   强悍~!     (lcg 发表于 2009/10/9 11:46:00)
   谢谢楼主,有意思的     (JACK_YJM 发表于 2010/2/8 13:04:00)
   谢谢!LZ ! 您辛苦了!~     (rickwang 发表于 2010/4/19 17:14:00)
   :D :D :D 顶**下     (growth 发表于 2010/6/24 9:50:00)
   受用了,谢谢楼主     (Kovi 发表于 2010/11/18 13:43:00)
   太好了,牛人,有空将之转成检查表形式,再和亲们分享!     (jerry_200076 发表于 2011/2/10 12:49:00)
   support     (JACK_YJM 发表于 2011/5/8 9:56:00)

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