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标题: 国外模具厂模具标准
UID: 91
精华: 0
积分: 81
帖子: 71
注册: 2007/4/12 16:37:00
状态: 离线
威望: 10.00
金钱: 13.40 元
2007/9/11 22:35:00
G.Die performance:      模具性能
1.     All dies to be designed and constructed considering optimal production rates as designated by the Porject Manager.  The Goal is to explore innovative techniques to increase the press Speed at which these dies will operate.  This in turn translates Into higher production capacities, in a shorter period of time.
2.  All new dies will produce Su-dan production parts to meet first parts approval and part run rate before final acceptance.
V.    Die Design Criteria                    模具设计标准
A.  Preferred components:        **的零件
1.    All metal stamping die(s) supplied to Su-dan will be constructed using the preferred components already identified.
B.  Production part materials - Die design relationship :  产品的材料 (与模具设计有关)                                                 
1.    The production material thickness will be used when calculating the die design dimensions-check with Project Manager for exact  tolerances.
2.  To optimize material usage, flat blank nominal material thickness will be used along with the minimum inside form radii to calculate material used.
C.  Calculating operation tonnage of die:    计算模具工作吨位
1.    The calculated operating tonnage of the die will include stripping pressure.
2.    The stripping pressure for the press tonnage will be calculated with the die closed.
D.  General die life and construction:        模具寿命与组装
    1.  All dies will be provided with a minimum of 4 steel “set blocks,” or stop blocks positioned over the parallels.  所有的模具应包含至少四个位于垫脚上的限位块或者限位柱
         a.  Size of set blocks to be determined by:    限位块的尺寸由以下条件决定
(1)    Die area 250 square inches or less, use 2 inch diameter round or comparable area-rectangular set blocks. 
(2)  Die are over 250 square inches, use 3 inch diameter  set blocks.
b.    Set blocks will have a .050” deep by .250” wide slot for soft lead coining at shut height.  Set block to be stamped, or die shoe to be stamped “.050” near set block.
限位块将有**条.050”深  .250”款的槽,在限位块上或者模座上刻上“.050”
3.    Die sections will have staggered hole patterns for one-way assembly. 
3.  Die section(s) will be a minimum of 1.5” thick. 模具刀口入子至少有1.5英寸厚。
a.  There must be a .375-.500” cutting land with all wire burned sections or holes for all parts. These sections must be undercut at 1½° taper to provide the desired cutting land.
b.    Dies should be designed for use of wire E.D.M. on die sections, trim and notch punches where applicable. Traditional die making practice must be used so each  section can be worked during the repair process.  All large wire burned sections should be segmented when possible.
4.    Cutting sections will be ground or finished by E.D.M. to remove decarb. All die sections will have a ground seating surface.
5.    All pierce die holes will be buttoned unless otherwise specified.
6.    Screw holes will be counterbored in the die section .  Screw heads will be a minimum of 3/8” plus die cutting land below the die section surface, and screw threads must enter no less than 1.5 times diameter.
7.    Where possible, screws will be hex socket head cap screws.  Other types of screws, such as set screws, will be hex socket.
8.  Refer to company press information to determine the proper shut height, die size, and parallel size needed.  根据公司冲床情况决定适当的闭模高,模具尺寸以及需要的垫脚尺寸。
     a.  Parallels are to be ground both top and bottom.    垫脚应该研磨上下两个面。
b.    Parallel mounting screws will be 2 different sizes from one end to the other. 
c.    The 2 outer and center parallel on both top and bottom shoe if present are to:
           (1)  Extend 3” from the side of the die.  从模具侧向外延伸3英寸
               (2)  Are to be cut into a clamping foot with a maximum height of 2” with a 1” slot for clamping. 
                                  应该切割成带有2” 高及 1” 固定槽的固定垫脚
d.    The upper shoe if no parallels are present will have 1” clearance slots for fastening.
如果没有上垫脚应该开1” 的固定槽 。    
e.    Die handling holes of ¾” or 1” are required on both sides  of the top and bottom shoes. 
在上下模座两侧应该有¾” 或者 1”的起吊孔。
f.    All parallels with integral feet should be located on 6” J.I.C. centers.
所有整数尺寸的垫脚应该位于6” J.I.C.中心。
           g.  Provide adequate clearance for slug removal.  提供足够的落料间隙。
g.    Proper clearance for Hi-Lo forks between the bottom parallels to provide safe balance when lifting.  Slots must be a minimum of 6” and maximum of 28” apart, and equal distance from the center of the die.
在下垫脚之间应该提供足够的Hi-Lo叉车搬运间隙并保持平衡,间隙*小为6”*大为 28”,到模具的中心距离应该相等。
h.    A keyway slot must be on parallels for centering die on bolster.  1.020” wide and 1” deep.
在垫脚上应提供将模具定位在台面上键槽(1.020”宽1” 深)
8.    Large weldments in die structure will be machined on the mating surfaces, screwed together, welded, and normalized  before final machining.
9.    Welding on trim steels to make corrections or modifications is acceptable only to complete tryout and first piece approval. Welded trim steel sections must be remade and retried before die  is shipped.  Welded form steels must be approved by Project Manager.
10.    All overhung items, gages, hoses, valves, electrical wires or boxes will be protected with heavy duty guarding, from lift truck mast.
11.    Dies with thrust characteristics must be properly heeled and keyed.
a.    Heel blocks to have a minimum of 1/8” heeling before work is started.
b.    Heel blocks should have screws located on the side of the block toward the thrust.
12.    Use D2 steel or better on all cutting and forming sections with heavy usage.  Provide kicker pins in punch sections and spring plungers in the stripper when necessary for positive strip removal. Each section is to be doweled separately.

本主题被查看176026次, 共34个帖子

标题: 国外模具厂模具标准
可以在线看也可以下载到本地看,下载解压缩后可看到是**个word文档: [attach]207[/     (moqie 发表于 2007/9/11 22:34:00)
   III. Die Classifications 模具**别 A. All dies w     (moqie 发表于 2007/9/11 22:35:00)
   G.Die performance: 模具性能 1. All dies to be     (moqie 发表于 2007/9/11 22:35:00)
   15. Flattening and restrike sections are to be pro     (moqie 发表于 2007/9/11 22:36:00)
   I. Maintenance requirements: 维修要求: 1. Die sec     (moqie 发表于 2007/9/11 22:36:00)
   f. Welding on any portion of the draw rings must b     (moqie 发表于 2007/9/11 22:36:00)
   15. Clearance between punches and cutting sections     (moqie 发表于 2007/9/11 22:37:00)
   6.All strippers will be postively retained using d     (moqie 发表于 2007/9/11 22:37:00)
   9. All reference materials for the system inclu     (moqie 发表于 2007/9/11 22:38:00)
   以下信息应用至少.25”高字体压印在面对操作者的下模前方: 1. Die number.     (moqie 发表于 2007/9/11 22:38:00)
   也顶**下     (昆山圆刀 发表于 2007/9/12 9:38:00)
   :) :) :$     (模切好风景无限 发表于 2007/10/12 12:38:00)
   顶,楼主太强了     (Jethro 发表于 2007/12/25 22:19:00)
   :) :) :) :D :D :D     (膜切工程老兵 发表于 2007/12/26 22:06:00)
   五金模具标准!!!:'( 哪位大虾有**版的模切标准啊????????     (xiaospring021 发表于 2007/12/27 14:09:00)
   :) :) :)     (mutu 发表于 2008/1/2 19:58:00)
   太多了,没看明白:'(     (sxziyun 发表于 2008/1/4 17:10:00)
   感谢分享!但附件无法下载~~~~~     (laobendan 发表于 2008/1/9 11:46:00)
   太详细了,谢谢:D     (hrong7908 发表于 2008/2/2 10:06:00)
   :L :L :L :L :L :L     (Nicolas 发表于 2008/3/14 3:53:00)
   perfect document!!     (dalianair 发表于 2008/4/17 9:11:00)
   看不明白,不过还是要顶下楼竹     (zhangwenhua3083 发表于 2008/5/23 20:26:00)
   好多!看得头晕晕的!:)     (天之云 发表于 2008/6/25 14:30:00)
   hao zi liao     (song123456 发表于 2008/11/11 19:09:00)
   楼主,强阿,值得表表扬。     (jimlima 发表于 2009/9/22 22:44:00)
   先顶**下 再拿资料     (lgtqwww 发表于 2009/9/29 13:39:00)
   强悍~!     (lcg 发表于 2009/10/9 11:46:00)
   谢谢楼主,有意思的     (JACK_YJM 发表于 2010/2/8 13:04:00)
   谢谢!LZ ! 您辛苦了!~     (rickwang 发表于 2010/4/19 17:14:00)
   :D :D :D 顶**下     (growth 发表于 2010/6/24 9:50:00)
   受用了,谢谢楼主     (Kovi 发表于 2010/11/18 13:43:00)
   太好了,牛人,有空将之转成检查表形式,再和亲们分享!     (jerry_200076 发表于 2011/2/10 12:49:00)
   support     (JACK_YJM 发表于 2011/5/8 9:56:00)

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