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标题: 国外模具厂模具标准
UID: 91
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积分: 81
帖子: 71
注册: 2007/4/12 16:37:00
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金钱: 13.40 元
2007/9/11 22:36:00
15. Flattening and restrike sections are to be provided, as dictated by part configuration and part print specification. Flattening,  forming, and coining steels will go through the stripper in lieu of using the stripper to perform above listed die functions.
    16.  All dies containing a restrike station should have a parallel under restrike station.  Pararllel should have a minimum width to cover entire restrike area.
    17.  All dies containing coining stations shall have a minimum .750” hardened plate under each station for support.
    18.  In dies using shave applications, it is best to use a two-out die configuration.  This is used to balance cutting forces shave punches must be heeled.  Shave area to be outboard of strip stock.  Use double pilots to locate parts.  Use pilots that are located in lower die half.  Use two shave stations as follows:
a.    All shave applications must be reviewed for die clearance accuracy.
    19.  Carrier design must be developed in one of three ways to avoid match cuts and the burrs that are associated with them (no  burrs are exceptable in these area’s). 
a.    Cutting carrier or cutting of part leaving a male tab on the parts.
b.    Cutting carrier or cutting of part leaving a recess on the parts.
c.    Match cut on an angle to a radius.
    20.  A die must have sufficient pilots to control the strip adequately in order to produce consistent parts.
a.    Pilots are to be .004” diameter smaller than pierce punches.
    21.  The following tolerance standards should be adhered to when detailing a progressive die:
       a.  4 place decimal +/-  (小数点后四位) . . . . . . . . . . .0005”
             3 place decimal +/- (小数点后三位) . . . . . . . . . .  .001”
             2 place decimal +/- (小数点后两位)    . . . . . . . . . .010”
             1 place decimal +/- (小数点后**位)    . . . . . . . . ..020”
b.    Linear dimensions in the direction of progression must not  be stacked.
    22.  Extrusion punches must be coated to prevent galling.
23.  A minimum of two safety switches must be installed on all progressive dies to probe for proper strip advancement and part out detection.
24.  Provide under and over feed protection at the end of the die (strip buckling, misfeed, part ejection, etc.).在模具后端在上下均使用送料保护装置(扣料,误送检测,产品顶出等)
    25.  All dies should have a quick disconnect junction box for easy hook up to the die protection control.
26.  A progression bar (not to exceed prog. x 1” x 1”) is to be made of  tool steel, stamped with the die progression and hardened to R.C. 52/54.  It will be mounted by two 5/16 socket head screws on the front right side of the die.
    用模具钢制造**个步距杆(不超过步距x 1” x 1”)并热处理到R.C. 52/54,在上面刻上步距,用两个5/16的沉头螺丝安装在模具右前侧。
E.  Die safety:    模具安全
    1.  The design and construction of all dies will not require the operator(s) or other personnel to place their hands or other parts of their body in a pinch point hazard.
a.    The use of hand tools must be approved in writing by the Project Manager.
b.    Guards will be provided as needed.
c.    The use of press mounted electronic guards will affect the guarding requirements and be approved by the Project Manager.   
2.  All dies will be drilled to accommodate eye bolts for lifting and turning the dies.  Four tapped handling holes will be provided along the top and bottom edges of the die set.  These holes will be a minimum of ¾”-10 x 1.75” thread depth.
    所有的模具应该加工适当的起吊孔方便提升或翻转模具,在上模座的侧边提供四个至少¾”-10 x 1.75”的起吊孔。
3.  The weight of the die upper half will be stamped on the front face  of the punch shoe and the weight of the lower half will be stamped on the front face of the lower shoe in accordance with OSHA requirements.  Also, the total die weight is to be stamped on the front face of the lower shoe.
    4.  Break all non-functional sharp corners.        去除所有没有功能的尖角。
F.  Scrap removal:  落料
    1.  Parts must fall free from die, scrap must shed properly, no air blow-off or assist.  If a cylinder ejector must be used, incorporate a proximity safety switch and use non-ferrous materials where it enters the die, or it must be of positive return design.
    2.  Dies will be constructed with provisions for positive stripping and ejections of the finished part and all generated scrap. 模具应该构造成能够从正面剥落及顶出成品及废料。
a.    Air blow-offs have to be specifically approved by the project engineer in writing.  The air blast must be cycled with the press stroke.  A flow nozzle must be used to reduce noise and volume of air released.
3. Where required, scrap will automatically be removed from the die. The die supplier will provide chutes to prevent the possible build-up of parts and/or scrap under the die.  Scrap length should not exceed the pitch of die.  In situations where the size of scrap or the overall length of scrap prevents the easy removal from the die,the scrap will be cut into smaller pieces that will aid in their removal.
4.Tooling Engineer will specify additional requirements, such as containers or conveyors, supplied with the die.
G.  Die sets:
    1.  See section VI for “Stamping and marking” of die set.
    2.  Die sets will include:  模座应包括:
a.    Guide pins/bushings that are the precision ball bearing type  (Lempco, Danly, etc.).
导柱/导套应该是精密滚珠类(Lempco, Danly, etc.)
b.    Guide pins will be staggered, to prevent the incorrect assembly of the die set.
c.    Diameter of guide pins must be a minimum of 75% of shoe thickness.
d.    Guide pin ends must have .250” clearance when die is fully closed.
e.    4 post die sets are to be used unless otherwise specified. 

本主题被查看176024次, 共34个帖子

标题: 国外模具厂模具标准
可以在线看也可以下载到本地看,下载解压缩后可看到是**个word文档: [attach]207[/     (moqie 发表于 2007/9/11 22:34:00)
   III. Die Classifications 模具**别 A. All dies w     (moqie 发表于 2007/9/11 22:35:00)
   G.Die performance: 模具性能 1. All dies to be     (moqie 发表于 2007/9/11 22:35:00)
   15. Flattening and restrike sections are to be pro     (moqie 发表于 2007/9/11 22:36:00)
   I. Maintenance requirements: 维修要求: 1. Die sec     (moqie 发表于 2007/9/11 22:36:00)
   f. Welding on any portion of the draw rings must b     (moqie 发表于 2007/9/11 22:36:00)
   15. Clearance between punches and cutting sections     (moqie 发表于 2007/9/11 22:37:00)
   6.All strippers will be postively retained using d     (moqie 发表于 2007/9/11 22:37:00)
   9. All reference materials for the system inclu     (moqie 发表于 2007/9/11 22:38:00)
   以下信息应用至少.25”高字体压印在面对操作者的下模前方: 1. Die number.     (moqie 发表于 2007/9/11 22:38:00)
   也顶**下     (昆山圆刀 发表于 2007/9/12 9:38:00)
   :) :) :$     (模切好风景无限 发表于 2007/10/12 12:38:00)
   顶,楼主太强了     (Jethro 发表于 2007/12/25 22:19:00)
   :) :) :) :D :D :D     (膜切工程老兵 发表于 2007/12/26 22:06:00)
   五金模具标准!!!:'( 哪位大虾有**版的模切标准啊????????     (xiaospring021 发表于 2007/12/27 14:09:00)
   :) :) :)     (mutu 发表于 2008/1/2 19:58:00)
   太多了,没看明白:'(     (sxziyun 发表于 2008/1/4 17:10:00)
   感谢分享!但附件无法下载~~~~~     (laobendan 发表于 2008/1/9 11:46:00)
   太详细了,谢谢:D     (hrong7908 发表于 2008/2/2 10:06:00)
   :L :L :L :L :L :L     (Nicolas 发表于 2008/3/14 3:53:00)
   perfect document!!     (dalianair 发表于 2008/4/17 9:11:00)
   看不明白,不过还是要顶下楼竹     (zhangwenhua3083 发表于 2008/5/23 20:26:00)
   好多!看得头晕晕的!:)     (天之云 发表于 2008/6/25 14:30:00)
   hao zi liao     (song123456 发表于 2008/11/11 19:09:00)
   楼主,强阿,值得表表扬。     (jimlima 发表于 2009/9/22 22:44:00)
   先顶**下 再拿资料     (lgtqwww 发表于 2009/9/29 13:39:00)
   强悍~!     (lcg 发表于 2009/10/9 11:46:00)
   谢谢楼主,有意思的     (JACK_YJM 发表于 2010/2/8 13:04:00)
   谢谢!LZ ! 您辛苦了!~     (rickwang 发表于 2010/4/19 17:14:00)
   :D :D :D 顶**下     (growth 发表于 2010/6/24 9:50:00)
   受用了,谢谢楼主     (Kovi 发表于 2010/11/18 13:43:00)
   太好了,牛人,有空将之转成检查表形式,再和亲们分享!     (jerry_200076 发表于 2011/2/10 12:49:00)
   support     (JACK_YJM 发表于 2011/5/8 9:56:00)

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