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本主题被查看175953次, 共34个帖子
标题: 国外模具厂模具标准
UID: 91
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帖子: 71
注册: 2007/4/12 16:37:00
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金钱: 13.40 元
2007/9/11 22:37:00
6.All strippers will be postively retained using die pad retainers.
a.    Spools are acceptable as long as they are of the anti-rotation style.
b.    Shoulder screws are not acceptable and no pre-load on  retainers.
7.  Stripper pads will make uniform contact in advance of the working die sections.
8.    Do not use the stripper for forming operations (unless guided and specified by the tool engineer).
9.    Areas of the stripper used to mount or support spring pressure are  to be a minimum thickness of ¾”.
10.  The stripper will be a minimum of ¾” thick over the stock guides.
11.  The stripper will be made of pre-hardened 4140 (Maxel), or 6150 hardened to RC 26-34 or 0-1 hardened to RC 50-55.
                脱料板有预先处理了的4140、或热处理到RC 26-34的6150、或热处理硬度到RC 50-55.的0-1钢制成。
a.    All strippers will have ½”-13 tapped lifting holes with a  minimum depth of 1”.
12.  Do not split strippers unless over 50 pounds.
13.  Provide stripping on all cam pierce dies. 在所有凸轮冲孔机构上使用脱料装置。
14.  Weld projection punches and die buttons will not be mounted in the stripper.
15.  Stripper face must extend 1/8” below working face of punch.
16.    Stripper windows are required to access all punches for in die  maintenance purpose and should be made of  6150 or 4140 heat  treated to RC 38-44 or 0-1 hardened to RC 50-55.
    应提供脱料板窗口方便维修冲子,脱料板窗口入子应由热处理硬度RC 38-44的6150 、4140或者热处理硬度为50-55.的0-1钢制造。
17.  Two jack screws must be provided in windows and die section for ease of removal.  All sections that do not have jack screw holes must have pry slots.
18.  Windows must not be press fit into stripper.  窗口入子不需要与脱板压配合。
19.  The stripper must have a minimum of .250” clearance from bottoming on the heel blocks when the die is at shut height.
20.  Install a shedder pin in the stripper at the cut off to prevent the part from sticking to the stripper, plus include shedder pins in     areas of extended pilots.
21.  Draw applications must have a binder or pad designed into it so the metal flow can be controlled using a secondary power source such as springs, gas cylinders, or air cushion.
22.  All stripper retainers must be removable from the working surface of the die.
23.  Hardened backing plates are required under all pads that bottom out.
24.  No work should be done with the stripper unless it is unavoidable. All strippers with form inserts, pads, and lance/pierce details  must be guided by pins and bushings and must bottom out on balancing blocks.  All inserts are to be hardened.
T.  Nitrogen system:                    氮气弹簧系统
1.    Manifolds will be mounted with the screws going through the manifold into the punch or die shoes.
2.    Pressure guages must be provided on the system.  在系统上应提供压力检测表。
        3.    Charging valves must be provided with easy access.  必须提供进气阀并能很容易接近。
        4.    Maximum pressure must be stamped on the manifold.  在分流式系统上应刻上*大的压力。
        5.    Controls must be recessed inside the punch or die shoe and facing the operator.
6.    Where possible screw and dowel hole clearance will be provided in the manifold.
7.    Parallel plumbing of the cylinders is desired for the system. 压在汽缸上的垫脚是可行的。
8.    When possible cylinders will be designed with uniformity. 只要可能所有的汽缸规格应是**样的。

本主题被查看175953次, 共34个帖子

标题: 国外模具厂模具标准
可以在线看也可以下载到本地看,下载解压缩后可看到是**个word文档: [attach]207[/     (moqie 发表于 2007/9/11 22:34:00)
   III. Die Classifications 模具**别 A. All dies w     (moqie 发表于 2007/9/11 22:35:00)
   G.Die performance: 模具性能 1. All dies to be     (moqie 发表于 2007/9/11 22:35:00)
   15. Flattening and restrike sections are to be pro     (moqie 发表于 2007/9/11 22:36:00)
   I. Maintenance requirements: 维修要求: 1. Die sec     (moqie 发表于 2007/9/11 22:36:00)
   f. Welding on any portion of the draw rings must b     (moqie 发表于 2007/9/11 22:36:00)
   15. Clearance between punches and cutting sections     (moqie 发表于 2007/9/11 22:37:00)
   6.All strippers will be postively retained using d     (moqie 发表于 2007/9/11 22:37:00)
   9. All reference materials for the system inclu     (moqie 发表于 2007/9/11 22:38:00)
   以下信息应用至少.25”高字体压印在面对操作者的下模前方: 1. Die number.     (moqie 发表于 2007/9/11 22:38:00)
   也顶**下     (昆山圆刀 发表于 2007/9/12 9:38:00)
   :) :) :$     (模切好风景无限 发表于 2007/10/12 12:38:00)
   顶,楼主太强了     (Jethro 发表于 2007/12/25 22:19:00)
   :) :) :) :D :D :D     (膜切工程老兵 发表于 2007/12/26 22:06:00)
   五金模具标准!!!:'( 哪位大虾有**版的模切标准啊????????     (xiaospring021 发表于 2007/12/27 14:09:00)
   :) :) :)     (mutu 发表于 2008/1/2 19:58:00)
   太多了,没看明白:'(     (sxziyun 发表于 2008/1/4 17:10:00)
   感谢分享!但附件无法下载~~~~~     (laobendan 发表于 2008/1/9 11:46:00)
   太详细了,谢谢:D     (hrong7908 发表于 2008/2/2 10:06:00)
   :L :L :L :L :L :L     (Nicolas 发表于 2008/3/14 3:53:00)
   perfect document!!     (dalianair 发表于 2008/4/17 9:11:00)
   看不明白,不过还是要顶下楼竹     (zhangwenhua3083 发表于 2008/5/23 20:26:00)
   好多!看得头晕晕的!:)     (天之云 发表于 2008/6/25 14:30:00)
   hao zi liao     (song123456 发表于 2008/11/11 19:09:00)
   楼主,强阿,值得表表扬。     (jimlima 发表于 2009/9/22 22:44:00)
   先顶**下 再拿资料     (lgtqwww 发表于 2009/9/29 13:39:00)
   强悍~!     (lcg 发表于 2009/10/9 11:46:00)
   谢谢楼主,有意思的     (JACK_YJM 发表于 2010/2/8 13:04:00)
   谢谢!LZ ! 您辛苦了!~     (rickwang 发表于 2010/4/19 17:14:00)
   :D :D :D 顶**下     (growth 发表于 2010/6/24 9:50:00)
   受用了,谢谢楼主     (Kovi 发表于 2010/11/18 13:43:00)
   太好了,牛人,有空将之转成检查表形式,再和亲们分享!     (jerry_200076 发表于 2011/2/10 12:49:00)
   support     (JACK_YJM 发表于 2011/5/8 9:56:00)

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